Partisan Memorial Cemetery in Mostar as an inspiration: architecture, history, and relevant people have inspired a series of artist creations. Share your artworks or suggest new artists.
Miodrag Milićević (2018): Once upon a time…, watercolour, 36 x 48 cm
Source: Facebook
Miodrag Milićević (2020): ballpen drawing
Source: Facebook
Miodrag Milićević: (2020): ballpen drawing on cardboard.
Source: Facebook
Vedrana Božić, Claire Noel Gallery (2022): Partiza
Source: Clair Noel Facebook
Rebeka Abdagić, Partisan Memorial Cemetery, 2023. Source:
drawing, instagram, author:
Mate Rupić, illustration for the book “Most od sedre”, by Jana Prević Finderle, instagram
T-shirt for sale. Source: Partyzan Clothing.
Dylan Dog in Mostar, poster for the 4th Annual Mostar Comic Book Weekend (2019). Illustrated by Marco Mastrazzo, designed by Kristijan Kuliš. Source:
Poster for the 5th Annual Mostar Comic Book Weekend (2020). Illustrated by Zoran Herceg, designed by Kristijan Kuliš. Source:
Poster for the 8th Annual Mostar Comic Book Weekend (2023). Illustrated by Giorgio Pontrelli, designed by Kristijan Kuliš. Source:
T-shirt with poster by Zoran Herceg: the 5th Annual Mostar Comic Book Weekend (2020). Illustrated by Zoran Herceg, designed by Kristijan Kuliš. Source:
T-shirt with poster for the 8th Annual Mostar Comic Book Weekend (2023). Illustrated by Giorgio Pontrelli, designed by Kristijan Kuliš. Source:
Monument to the underground workers of Mostar featured on the poster for the 7th Annual Mostar Comic Book Weekend (2022). Illustrated by Kostja Ribnik, designed by Kristijan Kuliš.
Miro Brešić (2023): memorial plaques
Source: Facebook
Miro Brešić (2023): Monument to the underground members, Mostar – Boulevard, watercolour, 23 x 30 cm, Arches cotton paper
Source: Facebook
Bošković Zdenko (2023): scenes from Mostar
Source: Facebook
Bošković Zdenko (2022): scenes from Mostar.
Source: Facebook
Petar Tiješić (1952): National hero Mladen Balorda, oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm; Inv. No. 390. Collection of History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo.
Source: Treasures of Socialism
Stevan Jenovac (1953): National hero Karlo Batko – Drago, oil on canvas, 65 x 55 cm; Inv. No. 471. Collection of History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo.
Source: Treasures of Socialism
Nada Novaković (1948): National hero Hasan Zahirović Laca, oil on canvas, 53 x 64 cm; Inv. No 436. Collection of History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo.
Source: Treasures of Socialism
Milan Vasiljević (1952): National hero Mithat Haćam – Aćim, oil on canvas, 54 x 66 cm; Inv. No. 398. Collection of History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo.
Source: Treasures of Socialism
Pero Bodroža (1952): National hero Adem Buć, oil on canvas, 65,3 x 54. Collection of History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo. Source: Treasures of Socialism
an Exhibition of paintings of national heros of Yugoslavia, featuring Mladen Balorda middle-top
Maja Rubinić, drawing
Source: IDEAA
Davisi Boontharm (2022): incomplete watercolour
Source: IDEAA
poster, IDEAA
Source: IDEAA
Front page of a book “Bataljon u okupiranom gradu” by Mensur Seferović: inspired by stories of fighters from Mostar, incl. the arrest and shooting of Radojka Gnjatić Ivanišević in 1943. Unknown artist, 1950s.
Branko Šotra, 1960s
front page for books “Hercegovina u NOB”
nepoznati autor, 1957.
naslovnica knjige Mensura Seferovića (1957): „Tajna partijske ćelije“, Sarajevo.
Florijan Mićković, Nikola Njirić (mid- 1980s): busts of 13 national heroes
Find out more here.
Florijan Mićković, Statue of Zlatka Vuković, in front of textile factory in Mostar
unknown artist: pilot Aca Vuković, a drawing found among his documents.
Source: Aviation museum in Belgrade
graffiti in Mostar: “Nije sloboda sa neba pala” (Freedom did not fall from the sky) – a verse from a famous song by the ensemble “Mostarske kiše” (“The freedom did not fall from the sky, a sister gave three of her brothers for it”, delivered by Kemal Monteno.)
graffiti in Mostar: “Remembering heroes” – Avdo Humo, Mladen Balorda, Hasan Zahirović Laca.
an art installation by Marina Mimosa
Source: Chris Leslie (photo and article), Guardian, June 2, 2023.
Mostar Street Art Festival 2018: “The Stories about Partiza”
Source: Facebook 3.6.2018, Street Art Festival 2018.
Partisan Memorial in EU colours, a light show
Source: More on
Source: Leksikon Yu mitologije.
Marko Barišić, Aida Murtić, Alisa Burzić: “Mostarska Hurqualya” (2017), Source: nezaboravljeni grad
Title page: Alisa Burzić
photo from an exhibition about Yugoslavian monuments (shown in lower right end).
Source: documentary “Umetnost sećanja“ (The art of remembering).
drawing by Ico Voljevica, from the title page of book “Pred očima grada“, by Mensur Seferović.
Miro Brešić (2023), Detail from the Partisan Memorial Cemetery in Mostar, Watercolor 23X30 cm, Arches cotton paper. Source: facebook.
Theatre piece “Comrade Gojko”, an open air event in 2018.
Source: tač
Marina Đapić’s installation inspired by the text of Bogdan Bogdanović,Mostar Street Art Festival 2013.
Source: nezaboravljeni grad.
Greeting to the Universe, mural on Kantarevac, Mostar, inspired by the detail from the monument. Mostar Street Art Festival 2013.
Source: nezaboravljeni grad
Performans by Dejan Kosanić, Mostar Street Art Festival Mostar 2013.
Source: nezaboravljeni grad.
Performance Bodies of Water by Yoav Admoni as a part of Mostar City Lab collaboration.
Source: nezaboravljeni grad.
The 2nd Antifascist Film Festival in Mostar
The choir Praksa from Pula, Croatia, practicing at the Partisan Memorial Cemetery in Mostar, Feb 11, 2023.
Emir Isović (2013): detail from the map of Yugoslavia
Exhibition “Doomed architect” (2016), author: Sonja Leboš.
Source: “Slobodna Dalmacija“
Title page of book “Bogdanovićev vokabular” (Bogdanović’s vocabulary), author Ronald Panza
Title page of poetry book “Bulevar narodne revolucije”, by Marko Tomaš, Algoritam, Zagreb, 2013. featuring fallen fighter Mustafa Repak.
Title page of poetry book “Zbogom fašisti”, by Marko Tomaš, Buybook, Sarajevo, 2010, featuring fallen fighter Mustafa Repak (self-portrait).
Song collection (lyrics and notes) of Mostarske kiše: “Našom pjesmom zemlja jača“, edition of “Svjetlost”, Sarajevo, 1979. Hear some of the songs here. Two songs are dedicated to Mostar fighters: “Mostarska majka” i “Zlatka Vuković”.
Theatre play “Ljudi s juga” (People from the South, 1979.) by Ahmet Obradović, inspired by the 1929 court case against prominent communists, including Gojko Vuković and Nikola Abramović Bjelica.
Portrait of the fallen fighter prof. Džemšid Šarić, as illustrated by Nedžad Pašalić, “Sloboda”, 1984.
Salko Šestić, watercolour by Miodrag Milićević, 2024
Ekrem Ćurić, watercolour by Miodrag Milićević, 2024
The rector’s chain (insignia, detail featuring the Partisan Memorial Cemetery), University “Džemal Bijedić”, Mostar, created by Ramiz Pandur (1998) of Art Studio Pandur.
Cover for the book by Dario Terzić, “Dođi da mostarimo zajedno” (2024). Source: Urban magazin.
Exhibition „Večito“, dedicated to the architect Bogdan Bogdanović, Centre for Culture, Mostar, May 9 – Jun 3 2024. Source: