brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
ZLATKA VUKOVIĆ, daughter of JOVO, née RADIĆ, born on April 7, 1891, in Mostar. Homemaker (according to some sources, a worker by profession), wife of Mostar revolutionary Gojko Vuković (1887-1934). Activist of the labor movement. When her husband was killed, she earned for a living as a seamstress. According to the memories of contemporaries, “for years, she carried the burden of supporting the family; she did the most difficult jobs in people’s homes just to raise and prepare the children for life.”
On July 31, 1941, a meeting of the Local Committee of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ) was held at the Vuković family’s house. The Ustaše entered the courtyard. Zlatka was on guard duty at that time. She threw a hand grenade at the Ustaše to enable her son and comrades to escape. It was the “first bomb thrown at the occupiers in the enslaved Mostar.” The Ustaše captured her, as well as Ahmet Sefić, a technician and member of the KPJ, and executed them on the same day after torture.
Mahmut Đikić and Mustafa Husković managed to evade the pursuit through the gardens. They were arrested along with their tenants Dejan and Vera Popović. Slobodan Vuković, the son of Zlatka, managed to escape to Rodoč to his godfather, who betrayed him to the Ustasha the next day. On the same day, Jusuf Čevro, a worker and secretary of the Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ), was also captured. Jusuf and Slobodan were executed together in Ovojci on August 1, 1941. During the People’s Liberation War (NOB), the remaining members of the Vuković family were also killed: Mladen, a student, on Romanija on August 26, 1941; Radojka, a worker, captured and killed in the Jasenovac concentration camp after the Fifth Enemy Offensive; Rade-Gojko, a student, killed on Ivan-sedlo in 1945.
The place of their death differs in sources: according to some sources, Zlatka and Ahmet were shot in the courtyard of the Mostar Gymnasium, while according to others, it was in the village of Ovojci. A monument bearing their names was erected in Ovojci, so that would be the most likely location where they met their deaths.
In 1984, the memorial house of Gojko Vuković was opened within the Museum of Herzegovina with a museum exhibition about the life and work of the Vuković family. A textile factory in Mostar is named after Zlatka Vuković. Her statue is located in front of the factory building.
Zlatka and her family have inspired a song “Zlatka Vuković”, performed by the ensemble “Mostarske kiše” (1973-1992).
*In the “Monument of Mostar 1941-1945,” her year of birth is stated as 1891.
grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945; grupa autora (1961): Hercegovina u NOB 1. dio, Beograd, Vojno delo ; grupa autora (1986): Hercegovina u NOB 2. dio, Beograd; група аутора (1986): Херцеговина у НОБ, Београд, https://www.tacno.net/mostar/dani-antifasizma-u-mostaru-2/ ; https://yu-nostalgija.com/prva-partizanska-eksplozija-u-okupiranom-gradu/ https://seaddjulic.blogspot.com/2020/10/ko-brise-vukovice-iz-memorije-mostara.html?m=1
Photos: https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/85245087_2598746970410866_1734024854564241408_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=-4M9Sc4RQicAX-LUusi&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBFijMlucwlL9LnXffsUMtK2IEf68DnKUBII2mQmFRljg&oe=646099C0; spomenicinob.info;
Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović, photo of the Vuković family: from the book “Gojko Vuković”; photo of Zlatka Vuković: from the book “Paritizanski spomenik u Mostaru”
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