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A B C Č Ć D Đ E F G H I J K L Lj M N Nj O P R S Š T U V Z Ž

Fallen Jews from Mostar.

Numerous Jewish families lived in Mostar before the World War II: Abel, Altarac, Altkorn, Atijas, Becher, Bergman, Brodman, Danon, Drutter, Ehrlich, Fischbein, Fromer, Friedmann, Freundernfeld, Finci, Gaon, Grunwald, Hajon, Himlauer, Kabiljo, Kamhi, Konforti, Kohn, Koen, Leihner, Laufer, Levi, Maestro, Mandelbaum, Papo, Perera, Romano, Salom, Širc, and others. They were traders, restaurant owners, workers, intellectuals, doctors… Ten fallen fighters who came from these Mostar families have memorial plaques at the Partisan Memorial Cemetery. These are their stories.

Recommended reading: Romano, Dr. Jaša: Jevreji Jugoslavije 1941 — 1945. žrtve genocida i učesnici NOR, Srboštampa, Belgrade; Romano, Dr. Jaša (1972) Jevrejski istorijski muzej, Zbornik 2, Belgrade; Romano, Dr. Jaša, Jevreji u logoru na Rabu i njihovo uključivanje u narodnooslobodilački rat; See a text in English about Mostar Jews here.

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