brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
LUDOVIK or LUDVIG KUJUNDŽIĆ LUČE, son of IVAN, born in Mostar on March 10, 1918. A carpenter. Pre-war member of SKOJ (League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia) and a candidate for membership in the Communist Party of Yugoslavia since 1941. An illegal party worker who, among other things, accompanied volunteer detachments to the Battalion. Captured by the Italians in April 1943, he was taken to the Mamula camp and then to the Visco di Udine camp, where he stayed for four months until the surrender of Italy in 1943. After that, he crossed to Slovenia with a group of Mostar residents and joined the Slovenian partisans in the “Ljubo Šercer” brigade. He became a squad commander. Executed by the partisans due to an error (lost rifle) in 1943. Described as a “tall and strong worker.”
About his death, Mensur Seferović, who was also in the Slovenian detachment, wrote:
“One night, when a German unit attacked his squad, Luče was left without weapons, the squad dispersed, and then the division headquarters, due to the difficult conditions during the German offensive, made the decision to execute him. I saw him when he went on his final journey. Today, so many years after this event, it may seem to us that the punishment was unusually harsh, rough. However, one had to be in a similar situation – in incredibly difficult conditions fighting against two German elite divisions – to see the difficulties the headquarters faced in consolidating their units, the necessity to strengthen discipline and the vigilance of the senior staff.”
Seferović, Mensur (1957): „Tajna partijske ćelije“, Sarajevo; Seferović, Mensur (1970): Pred očima grada, »Informativni centar Mostar«, nagrada »14. februar« Skupštine opštine Mostar, 1970; grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945. Fotografija: https://www.dw.com/hr/devastacija-partizanskog-groblja-u-mostaru-ovaj-put-ne%C4%87e-pro%C4%87i/a-62149716
Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović.
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