brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
FATIMA DŽINOVIĆ, daughter of Alija, from Mostar, born in 1925, a housewife, member of communist youth since 1942. A fighter, joined the Battalion in November 1943. Captured by the Croatian home guard soldiers in April 1944 near Pazarić and executed.
A brief note remains about her death in 1945:
“After the forced night march, when the Battalion arrived in the village of Daževice, the exhausted personnel was given rest. Security units were deployed towards Kreševo and Fojnica, each consisting of one squad. It was noted that Fatima Džinović, a housewife from Mostar, was missing when crossing the railway. Later, we were informed that she was captured near Pazarić and executed by the Ustasha forces.”
Ćemalović, Enver (1986): Mostarski bataljon, Mostar; grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.
Photo of the fighter: family album. Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović (2018).
Do you have more information about this fighter? Share your stories and photographs. Let’s keep the memory alive!