brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
Fadil Š. BILAL
FADIL BILAL, son of ŠERIF, born on March 10, 1924, in Vitina near Ljubuški. He attended the Civil and Teacher Training School in Mostar, where he lived with his family. He completed the Teacher Training School in Zagreb, where he stayed until 1943. He joined the Partisan unit in Slavonia in the summer of 1943. A political worker, he worked as a teacher in the liberated territory in the village of Levinovac in Slavonia at the end of 1943. In August 1944, he moved to Velika Kladuša, where he worked as an educational officer for the Cazin district. He simultaneously organized educational activities and promoted literacy among children and youth. He then moved to the village of Kudići in Bosanska Krajina, where he conducted classes in the madrasa building (the present-day mosque) and established a People’s School. A fighter, he was killed near Cazin on March 29, 1945 (according to one source, supporters of the so-called “green cadre” took him out of his house in the middle of the night and executed him). He was buried at the Partisan Memorial Complex in Pećigrad in Bosanska Krajina.
Fadil’s name is inscribed on the memorial plaque erected in the lobby of the Teachers’ Home in Zagreb in honor of teachers and professors who died in the National Liberation War. The primary school in the Šumatac settlement in Bosanska Krajina bears his name.
https://www.makroekonomija.org/drugi-svetski-rat/spisak-bosnjaka-muslimana-poginulih-u-nob-u/; grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945; Hasan Mujakić – Brazzo, https://instagram.com/brazzo_
Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović; other photos: Mario Šimunković, Domagoj Delač: “Spomen obilježja Narodnooslobodilačke borbe i revolucionarnog pokreta na području grada Zagreba: Sjećanje je borba”, Zagreb, siječanj 2014. (online izdanje), str. 118; Hasan Mujakić – Brazzo, https://instagram.com/brazzo_
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