brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
ARIF HADŽISELIMOVIĆ, son of SABIT, born on January 17, 1924, in Mostar. Student at the Trade Academy. Member of the League of Communist Youth (SKOJ) since 1941, Secretary of the City Committee of USAOJ in Mostar. Arrested by the Ustaše in Mostar around March 23, 1944, and taken to the Jasenovac concentration camp, and then to a camp near Linz in Austria*, where he died.
In a statement given after the war by Sana Mujić, a neighbor of the arrested Mubera Ćemalović, there is mention of Arif Hadžiselimović. We learn that after the arrest, “Mubera was held in the Gestapo prison in Vladičin House for 17 days, where she was together with Arif Hadžiselimović, Osman Novo, Hasan Karić, and some other young people. They were all subjected to severe torture, hunger, thirst, sleep deprivation for three nights, and (illegible) cane beatings (…)”.
Arif was deported to the Jasenovac camp and later interned in the camp near Linz, Austria. He was liberated in May 1945 but died in an accident on his way home to Mostar.
*There was likely an error on Arif’s memorial plaque stating Jasenice as the place of death. It should be corrected to Linz, Austria.
Halilbegović, Nihad (2006): Bošnjaci u jasenovačkom logoru, Sarajevo; grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.
Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović
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