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Concentration Camps

Men and women of Mostar killed in WWII concentration camps.

Approximately 90 fallen anti-fascists from the Partisan Memorial Cemetery were interned in concentration camps of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH). The majority of them were executed in the notorious camps of Jasenovac and Stara Gradiška. Some of the pre-war communist activists were already in the prison of Lepoglava when the war began, and they were all executed when the Ustasha came to power. Numerous Serbian residents of Mostar were arrested in the summer of 1941 and killed in the carst pits of Jadovno near Gospić. 

While some of the prisoners were shot at Mamula, most of them were transferred to Italy (Visco di Udine camp) and liberated after the capitulation of Italy. Many of these captives joined the Slovenian partisans and died as fighters in the “Ljubo Šercer” Brigade. The prisoners on the island of Rab, where a camp for Jews was located, were also liberated at that time and opted to join the partisans, where they perished as fighters. 

Some of the detainees from the Jasenovac concentration camp were transferred to camps in Germany and Norway, where they were subsequently killed.