brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
ŽIVKO VUKOVIĆ, son of LJUBO, born on February 20, 1922, in Mostar, a student at the Teacher Training School. Member of the the League of Communist Youth (SKOJ) since 1938, member of the SKOJ leadership at the Teacher Training School, member of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ) since 1940. One of the first fighters, in first group of volunteers, the 28 Mostar communists, who went to the field of eastern Herzegovina to work on developing the uprising in the summer of 1941. The detachment, led by Savo Medan, set off after 9 p.m. from the Bjelušine neighborhood, armed with 16 rifles, 150 rounds per rifle. Each fighter had a revolver and at least two “kragujevka” rifles. Živko was part of the party organization Dubljevići-Jugovići established in late 1941. He worked at the headquarters of the “Nevesinjska puška” battalion. Killed in a Chetnik coup in June 1942 in Kazanci near Gacko.
The following is remembered about Živko Vuković’s work in the field:
“The greatest credit for the correct attitude of the Surface Field Company towards the Muslim population belongs to Vule Skoko and Živko Vuković, whose influence on the overall work of the company was of crucial importance. In addition to them, the influence of Života Neimarović, who occasionally came to Površ, was also felt. They persistently emphasized that the Muslim and Croatian population should not be identified with the Ustasha butchers, that ordinary Domobran soldiers, whom Pavelić forcibly sent to suppress the popular uprising, should not be killed, that the honor, pride, and dignity of not only the company but also the people from whose ranks it was formed should be preserved, that ways and means should be found to talk to honest Muslims and Croats not only about establishing tolerable neighborly relations but also about joint struggle against foreign oppressors, as was the case during the Uloško Uprising in 1882. Thanks to the hard work of these people, there was relative peace in Površ during the entire summer of 1941. Harvesting and reaping were carried out almost without any disturbance. People were able to freely visit the Muslim villages of Borča for firewood or to grind wheat. Even when the situation in neighboring areas began to complicate and deteriorate in the second half of August, peace reigned in Površ.”
grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945; grupa autora (1961): Hercegovina u NOB 1. dio, Beograd, Vojno delo; grupa autora (1986): Hercegovina u NOB 2. dio, Beograd; група аутора (1986): Херцеговина у НОБ, Београд , video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl3W0gy7x5I&ab_channel=KnjOrg 10:11
Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović (2018). Photo of the fighter: family archives.
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