brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
SIMO JANJIĆ, son of MILAN, born on February 15, 1924, in Raška Gora near Mostar, farmer, member of SKOJ since 1941, in the Battalion since February 1944, machine gunner, killed in Grad near Konjic on March 13, 1944, when Sima’s detachment encountered another partisan detachment that initially failed to recognize each other. In the same clash, the national hero Ahmet Pintul and another fighter were also killed:
“When our machine gunner Simo Janjić stood up to open fire, he was shot in the head and fell onto the machine gun. Pintul, with the help of Gojko Uljarević, the assistant gunner, pulled the machine gun from under the dead Janjić and before opening fire, he suffered the same fate – he was shot from behind with several bullets to the head and chest. Both of them were killed by fighters from the preceding unit. We heard: ‘Forward, comrades!’ and at the same time, the shout of comrade Šefika Mišić: ‘Forward, proletarians!’ Shouting ensued: ‘Who is there?’ and there was a mutual response: ‘Partisans.’ Antunović recognized Šefika’s voice and started shouting: ‘Don’t shoot, they are ours, they are partisans!’ Soon, the gunfire subsided, and the result of the battle was that the following were killed on our side: commander AHMET PINTUL, machine gunner SIMO JANJIĆ, a peasant from Raška Gora, and HASAN BEGTAŠEVIĆ, a worker from Konjic. Four comrades from the escort were wounded, including Division Commissar Vojo Kovačević in the left arm and chest, fighter Sveto Kozić, and radio-telegraphist Kadira Delić in the arm.”
Ćemalović, Enver (1986): Mostarski bataljon, Mostar; grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.
Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović.
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