brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
MUHAMED HAMO BAKAMOVIĆ, son of SALIH, born in Mostar on November 10, 1922. A clerk. According to an article, a revolutionary who lived in Breza, “credited with instigating the uprising in that area.” Arrested by the Ustaše in Sarajevo at the end of 1941, taken to the Jasenovac camp, and subsequently interned in Norway. Due to illness, transferred from the Korgen camp (Nordland) to the Eisand camp (Øysand, Eisand)* for the sick near Trondheim. He died on April 21, 1943, at the age of twenty in Eisand* due to “exhaustion” (asthenia)*. According to N. Halilbegović, 23 internees from Herzegovina were killed or died of hunger and cold in the concentration camps in Norway.
Muhamed is the middle son of Salih-beg Bakamović (1885-1940), an economist, journalist, prolific writer, and translator from Mostar. Read about him here.
About the Eisand camp:
“Eisand was established in April 1943 as a sick camp, located approximately 20 km from Trondheim. After taking over the camp by units of the Wehrmacht and reporting to the International Red Cross, patients from various camps across Norway were gathered there. The first 25 patients arrived from the Troia camp. As a sick camp, Eisand existed until June 1945 when the patients were transferred to the assembly camp in Melhus. In Eisand, 88 internees, including Muhamed Bakamović from Mostar, died or were executed.”
*The Norwegian Center for War and Peace keeps the prisoner record of Muhamed Bakamović. A copy of this document is available upon request. Here is the translation:
“Bundesarhiva B563 – card I – A510/0024, Personal data: Srb. K.G.F, prisoner of war; Basic camp: K.Z.H., camp: Oysand, Surname: Bakamović, Name: Muhamed, born: 10.10.22, Mostar, religion: Orthodox, father’s name: could not be determined, mother’s name: could not be determined; citizenship: Croatia, rank: civilian, civilian occupation: gardener, health condition: sick, picture: none, contact person in the prisoner’s home country: could not be determined, died on 21.4.43. at 7:00 a.m. On April 18, 43, he arrived from the Korgen camp to the Oysand camp. Cause of death: asthenia (chronic exhaustion of the body, editor’s note) + TBC (tuberculosis), burial place: Oysand, Norway.”
We would like to thank the experts at the Norwegian Center for War and Peace in Narvik for providing the information.
Halilbegović, Nihad (2006): Bošnjaci u jasenovačkom logoru, Sarajevo; grupa autora (1986): Hercegovina u NOB 4. dio, Beograd ; grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945 Fotografije: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10228395246695906&set=a.10228365744398367; Partizansko spomen groblje Mostar, 14. februara 2016. – Partizansko spomen-groblje – Help to preserve (blogger.ba); https://www.tacno.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/150.jpg ; https://federalna.ba/partizansko-spomen-groblje-potpuno-unisteno-razbijeno-svih-700-ploca-240em ; https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-M2CCH6wrBYg/VsIXYTG3KOI/AAAAAAAAQCQ/XpM7OT7oL2Q/s1600/partiza48%2Btacnonet.jpg; http://www.most.ba/089/074.aspx
Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović, http://www.most.ba/089/074.aspx
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