brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
Marta R. PAVIĆ
MARTA PAVIĆ, daughter of RUŽICA, born on March 5, 1928, in Slavonski Brod, a student at the Civil School in Mostar where she lived with her family. A member of the League of Communist Youth (SKOJ) since 1943, in the Battalion since July 1943, a fighter, killed in Kamena near Mostar in July 1943, just a few days after joining the Battalion.
Circumstances of Marta’s death:
“At dawn on July 5th, thanks to a betrayal that was never determined, the Detachment was surrounded by soldiers of the 7th SS Division ‘Prinz Eugen,’ who unleashed a hurricane of machine gun and automatic fire at the sleeping fighters before the guards could sound the alarm. Chaos ensued among confused and inexperienced fighters. Anyone who got up was mowed down by the gunfire or wounded if they didn’t surrender upon hearing the shouts of ‘Halt!’ Individuals and small groups managed to crawl away, taking advantage of the uneven terrain, shrubs, and groves, as well as the scattered nature of the groups. 18 of them managed to break out of the encirclement, which was not completely sealed at some points. During that incident, 10 fighters were killed: BORO RADAN, the Detachment’s commissar, a student from Mostar, MUSTAFA BULJKO, the deputy commissar, a gardener from Mostar, NAZIF DŽEPO, a student from Mostar, RIZAH HADŽIMAHMUTOVIĆ, a student from Mostar, SAFET KURTOVIĆ, a student from Mostar, MARTA PAVIĆ, a student from Mostar, ALIJA SALKOVIĆ, a worker from Mostar, AVDO TATAREVIĆ, a student from Stolac, ZIJAD VRGORA, a student from Mostar, and DUŠAN VUJIČIĆ, a worker from Sarajevo.”
* According to the information in the book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
Ćemalović, Enver (1986): Mostarski bataljon, Mostar; grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945 Fotografija: Najveća devastacija Partizanskog groblja u Mostaru | Bosna i Hercegovina Vijesti | Al Jazeera
Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović
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