brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
Enes M. ISIĆ
ENES ISIĆ* MALI, son of MURAT, born on January 2, 1928, in Mostar. He was affectionately called Brato by his family. He was learning the trade of an electrician and was an activist of the People’s Liberation Struggle. He was arrested by the Ustaše in February 1945 in Mostar, taken to Sarajevo, and killed** (source: “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”).
In the minutes of the “City Commission for Investigating War Crimes of the Occupiers and their Collaborators” dated October 20, 1945, there is a statement from Enes’s father, Murat (Ibrahim) Isić, then 60 years old and a father of three children. It states that Enes was arrested after midnight on February 13, 1945, almost on the day of Mostar’s liberation. He was bound with wire and taken with several other people in the direction of Sarajevo.
“My little Enez was taken by the Ustaše [Croatian fascist organization], on February 13 of this year at two o’clock past midnight. He was taken to the Ustaše headquarters, from where Enes and another group of detained citizens were further transported on foot to Sarajevo. The Ustaše tied them with wires and loaded all their belongings onto them, and thus they were escorted towards Sarajevo. I don’t know what happened to Enez after that because I couldn’t find out anything more about him. It is said that they were sent to Jasenovac via Brod because they allegedly had their guilt determined in court. However, I don’t know what happened to him afterward. His name was not on the list of the killed, and as far as I know, his body was not found anywhere. Enez was, in fact, a student of the electrical trade, a boy of 17 years.” (source: Bošnjaci u jasenovačkom logoru)
Enes is listed among the victims from Mostar in the book “Bošnjaci u jasenovačkom logoru” (Bosniaks in the Jasenovac Camp), page 462.
* According to Z. Tošić, Enes’s surname is Išić. **Also, according to Z. Tošić, Enes was killed at Ivan-sedlo while trying to escape.
Halilbegović, Nihad (2006): Bošnjaci u jasenovačkom logoru, Sarajevo, str. 448; grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945. Fotografije: Партизанское кладбище – Путеводитель по Боснии и Герцеговине (bih-ru.com); Na Partizanskom 14. februara 2021. – Partizansko spomen-groblje – Help to preserve (blogger.ba); partiza+03.jpg (720×960) (bp.blogspot.com)
Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović.
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