brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
Desimir K. ĆUK
DESIMIR ĆUK, son of KONSTANTIN, born on February 8, 1907* in Mostar. Baker. From 1930, he lived and worked in Šibenik. Activist of the workers’ movement. Joined the People’s Liberation War in February 1943, in the 5th Montenegrin Brigade. Fighter, killed in June 1943 at Sutjeska.
Deseta Hercegovačka brigada (spisak boraca); grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945. Photo: S. Demirović, https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/131101762_2870918729860354_5504441517168118285_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=tBUKmdk3xYYAX9LA9GW&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.xx&oh=00_AfCdJ6osJxkWU2kv7U_hs8mRIuvsocHsdo-9NjyWghyffQ&oe=6460B193
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