brochure “Partizanski spomenik u Mostaru” (1980)
book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945.”
another document or proof of the memorial stone (e.g., a photograph).
BISERA SALAHOVIĆ, daughter of MAHMUT, born on July 8, 1924, in Trebinje, a student at the Gymnasium in Mostar, the leader of the Communist Youth League (SKOJ) in the Gymnasium, and a member of the Inter-School SKOJ Organization. Completed a medical course. Was arrested at least once. Joined the partisan unit in 1942, where she worked as a political worker for eastern Herzegovina. Injured in June 1942 and placed in a hospital in the village of Zvijerina. During the Chetnik coup, the Chetniks attacked the hospital and shot those who couldn’t escape. She was killed near a pit in Zvijerina*. She is remembered as “brave and determined, and also an excellent student.”
Bisera’s name was recorded on the memorial plaque at the Mostar Gymnasium. The plaque disappeared without a trace during the events of war in 1992-1995. Additionally, three of Bisera’s sisters were active members of the Communist Youth League (SKOJ).
*According to the book “Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945”, the location is Viduška jama, the village of Morče, near Bileća.
https://poskok.info/mostarke-u-doba-okupacije-sloboda-nije-stigla-iz-bajke/ ; http://abrasmedia.info/mostarke-u-borbi-protiv-fasizma-domacih-izdajnika/ ; http://www.most.ba/091/015.aspx; Konjhodžić, Mahmud (1981): “Mostarke”: fragmenti o revolucionarnoj djelatnosti i patriotskoj opredjeljenosti žena Mostara, o njihovoj borbi za slobodu i socijalizam, Opštinski odbor SUBNOR-a Mostar; Džemil Šarac, članak „Sa Mostarcima“, Hercegovina br 9, str 221; grupa autora (1986): Hercegovina u NOB 2. dio, Beograd; Beograd; grupa autora: Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945 .
Photo of the memorial plaque: S. Demirović; photo of the fighter: from “75 godina Gimnazije u Mostaru” (1968).
Do you have more information about this fighter? Share your stories and photographs. Let’s keep the memory alive!