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Partisan Memorial Cemetery in Mostar

the right to the Beauty of dreams


720 biographies of fallen fighters, activists, and sympathizers from the Partisan Memorial Cemetery in Mostar, as remembered by comrades and contemporaries. Discover how they lived and how they perished.

Call to readers: We are collecting photographs and stories about fallen fighters. How to get in touch.

Women of Mostar
in concentration camps

Fallen high school students from Mostar

13 national heroes from Mostar

Memorial Plaques

Photos of memorial plaques taken shortly after their installation in 2018 (and four years before they were smashed to pieces in a violent attack).

Photos: S. Demirović.

Partizanski spomenik pjesma
Partisan Memorial Cemetery
Partisan Memorial Cemetery


Partizansko groblje

Known among the locals as “Partizansko” –  or affectionately “Partiza” –  the Partisan Memorial Cemetery in Mostar is a place where art and history converge. 


“This is a masterpiece, and I want to see it!”

– Jean-Paul Sartre

EUROPA NOSTRA: Thanks to the efforts of IDEAA Mostar, the Partisan Memorial Cemetery was added to the 2023 list of 7 Most Endangered Sites in Europe.

Take a 3D virtual tour

Explore the Partisan Memorial Cemetery through a virtual 3D tour, preserved as it was in 2021, before the destruction of the memorial plaques in an unsolved vandal attack. Courtesy of Anclin Tadej from Yugostalgia.

Photo Walks

A picture is worth a thousand words: Partisan Memorial Cemetery throughout history, with a brief overview before and after the deliberate violent attacks and neglect it has been enduring for more than thirty years.

Partizansko Groblje Mostar prije i poslijePartizansko Groblje Mostar prije i poslije


Then came Bogdan… a brief homage to a legendary architect and visionary who dedicated one of his greatest and most important works to Mostar.

Read two touching letters from Bogdan, the “before” and “after” letters from 1975 and 1997, respectively.

Bogdan Bogdanović
Bogdan Bogdanović

“And I believed that fallen antifascist fighters from Mostar, practically still boys and girls, have, at least symbolically, the right to a beauty of dreams.”

– Bogdan Bogdanović,

architect of the Partisan Memorial Cemetery in Mostar


The invisible hands of diligent stonemasons who built the Partisan Memorial Cemetery – or – when the call comes – are tasked with its repairs. Here we tell a little bit about these important people – both the old and new masters.

Mostar klesari Partizansko groblje

When they attack the dead

Pictures and videos in the aftermath of the attacks from the summer of 2022.


photo M. Hurić

video A. Bokov

video IDEAA

Partisan Memorial Cemetery

It matters.